Investment Planning

Our investment planning services are based on our philosophy:

We are not bullish, we are not bearish, we are process. 

We can’t control the ups and downs of markets, but we can rely on our disciplined investment processes to provide well-designed, tax-efficient, globally diversified investment portfolios that suit our clients’ individual needs. The systematic processes that guide our investment decision making are intended to take the emotion out of investing and provide clients with peace of mind. Our investment planning services complement our comprehensive financial planning – helping you put your savings to work in a way that is suited to your unique financial goals.


Our Investment Planning Philosophy


We Are: Asset Allocators 

We divide your investments among diversified mutual funds and exchange-traded funds (ETFs) that include stocks, bonds, and alternatives to create tax-efficient, globally diversified, risk-focused portfolios.

We Embrace: Active and Passive Fund Management 

We employ active and passive funds, selecting active managers we believe have an edge. Cost is always a factor but does not solely drive our fund selection process. 

We Have: A Commitment to Research

We regularly monitor public and private sources of information to stay well-informed about securities markets and the impact of macroeconomics. With the abundance of news sources available, we maintain a focus on select information providers, including maintaining private subscriptions to unbiased sources unaffiliated with any bank, brokerage, or mutual fund company.

We Help: Develop Investment Objectives 

We maintain asset allocations suited to individual investment objectives from conservative to aggressive – taking into account your time horizon, risk tolerance, and risk capacity levels.

We Provide: Diversified, Tax-Efficient, and Low-Cost Portfolios 

We manage six investment portfolios that include options for larger and smaller asset values, as well as an environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) mandate. We know everyone’s situation is unique, and we have the flexibility to modify portfolios to accommodate your specific planning priorities.

Our Investment Planning Processes 

Monthly Investment Committee Meetings 

Our seven-member investment committee meets on a monthly basis to create and maintain firm-wide investment policy, processes, and standards. The committee performs in-depth reviews of the global economic environment, our portfolio construction, investment performance, and fund selection.

Weekly Portfolio Drift Monitoring

Client investment portfolios are monitored each week to determine drift from target allocations. Portfolios that drift more than 5% are reviewed and traded back into alignment with their target allocations when appropriate.

Market Dislocation Planning

If markets move up or down beyond a pre-determined threshold, we review market conditions and portfolio impact to determine if rebalancing is recommended. This allows us to strategically buy low and sell high, while maintaining asset allocation targets.

Regular Portfolio Review

Our comprehensive portfolio reviews are designed to highlight opportunities for portfolio improvement. Our reviews include detailed analysis of portfolio construction, performance attribution, fund selection, and capital market assumptions.

Systematic Tax Management

We review portfolio holdings to optimize tax allocation, execute tax gain or loss harvesting, and monitor holdings for tax efficiency.

Personalized Portfolio Updates

Portfolios are reviewed at client meetings to provide updates on performance and investment strategy. Changes to personal financial situations may affect asset allocation, fund holdings, or cash management.

Strategic Cash Management

Cash management has become increasingly important due to higher interest rates. We maintain efficient processes to invest and distribute cash balances in accordance with each client’s needs.

Special Situation Strategies

Our investment processes include strategies to manage special situations including but not limited to: concentrated stock holdings, company stock options and restricted stock, retirement plan investments, non-U.S. residents, low-basis holdings, use of margin debt, and other specialized investment strategies.



All investment strategies have the potential for profit or loss. Asset allocation, rebalancing, and diversification do not ensure or guarantee better performance and cannot eliminate the risk of investment losses. Affiance Financial only conducts business in states where it is properly registered or is excluded from registration requirements. Registration is not an endorsement of the firm by securities regulators and does not mean the adviser has achieved a specific level of skill or ability.

Affiance Financial and PCS are not engaged in the practice of law or accounting. Always consult an attorney or tax professional regarding your specific tax situation.